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Adam Buckley
e writer,
pop culture critic

So who is this guy?

I'm Adam Buckley, a prose writer with a nasty habit of thinking up worlds and getting lost in them. I focus primarily in fiction, short and long, with a knack for twisting and blending genre. Though fiction is mission, I've dabbled in poetry and more often, pop culture criticism through Rowan University's pop culture magazine, Halftone. 

What I'm Up To


Avant Literary Magazine

Rowan University's undergraduate lit mag. At Avant I serve as an Assistant Editor. In addition to being a member of executive board, I've also had a number of published works in its pages, including my first ever publication, a short story called "A Brief History of The land" in Avant's Fall 2022 edition. 



"Apokalypsis" and a poem entitled "Human After All" will appear in Avant's Fall 2023 issue. 



All Killer,

No Filler

A Podcast I've started with the executive board of Avant Literary Magazine

All Killer, No Filler.png
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